Welcome to High 5 Cameras
Every one of our 35mm Film Cameras for sale has been tested with professional equipment. Many have been shot with live film. You can be sure of the camera performing exactly as you would expect. Our mission is to support a new of generation of film users who are falling in love with classic film cameras from the golden age.
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Japanese Quality – UK Supplier
As described by Wikipedia
“135 film, chiefly referred to as 35 mm film or 35 mm photographic film format used for still photography. It is a film with a film gauge of 35 mm (1.4 in) loaded into a standardised type of magazine. It also refers to a cassette or cartridge for use in 135 film cameras. The engineering standard for this film is controlled by ISO 1007 titled ‘135-size film and magazine’.
Introduced by Kodak in 1934 as a designation for 35 mm film. This was specifically for still photography, perforated with Kodak Standard perforations. It quickly grew in popularity, surpassing 120 film by the late 1960s to become the most popular photographic film size. Despite competition from formats such as 828, 126, 110, and APS, it remains the most popular film size today.”
All the articles in this website are basically a labour of love. We love writing about 35mm film cameras, how they go together as well as their history. We have many articles in the pipeline and presently we are always thinking about great topics to add our site. So, if you have an idea for an article by all means please drop us a line here and we’ll get back to you.
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