
Global Warming Protestor

Being There……Picture This

One of the things that drives me mad with many photographers online, and in the flesh very often, is their push for ever more expensive gear but a complete lack of actually GOING somewhere or DOING something with it.  Now I can’t say I am completely devoid of ‘gearhead’ syndrome (also known as Collectivitis and Gear […]
Nikon F-301 35mm SLR Camera

Nikon F-301 Review – Third Times a Charm

Nikon F-301 Review:- One of the most underrated 35mm film SLRs in todays world has to be the Nikon F-301. I suppose that is to be expected considering it had a very short production life and was generally hated in its day by the Nikonista fraternity. Launched in 1985 and withdrawn around 1987 the Nikon […]
Screaming woman and Canon AE-1

Canon AE-1 Review – Look Out! There’s a Monster Coming!

This Canon AE-1 review was originally titled ‘Why I Hate the Canon AE-1’ – But I decided against it. There are so many reasons I actually do hate the AE-1 it would be hard to know where to start or finish and it might have ended up like one of those horror TV shows that […]
Mount the lens

Nikon 50mm Repair Guide f1.8 AiS

A step by step Nikon 50mm Repair Guide f1.8 AiS with notes on managing the Series E version of the lens. Copyright 2022 High5Cameras, Free to use, copy and distribute so long as no charge is made for use, distribution or access and authorship and web address is freely acknowledged. The Nikon 50mm f1.8 AiS […]
Minolta XD7 35mm SLR Camera

The Last of Us – Minolta XD Series – XD, XD7 and XD11

On the 1st September 1914, a small grey bird fell from its perch at Cincinatti Zoo…… The mid 1970s saw a rash of camera developments.  While these produced amazing technological marvels the headlong rush to ever more sophistication while keeping the price down meant compromises. The first casualty of any price war is almost always […]

Nikon F-301 Review – Third Times a…

MelNov 1, 202318 min read
Nikon F-301 35mm SLR Camera
Nikon F-301 Review:- One of the most underrated 35mm film SLRs in todays world has to be the Nikon F-301. I suppose that is to be expected considering it had a very short production life and was generally hated in its day by the Nikonista fraternity. Launched in 1985 and withdrawn around 1987 the Nikon […]

Canon AE-1 Review – Look Out! There’s…

MelJun 25, 202332 min read
Screaming woman and Canon AE-1
This Canon AE-1 review was originally titled ‘Why I Hate the Canon AE-1’ – But I decided against it. There are so many reasons I actually do hate the AE-1 it would be hard to know where to start or finish and it might have ended up like one of those horror TV shows that […]

Nikon 50mm Repair Guide f1.8 AiS

MelApr 16, 202316 min read
Mount the lens
A step by step Nikon 50mm Repair Guide f1.8 AiS with notes on managing the Series E version of the lens. Copyright 2022 High5Cameras, Free to use, copy and distribute so long as no charge is made for use, distribution or access and authorship and web address is freely acknowledged. The Nikon 50mm f1.8 AiS […]

The Last of Us – Minolta XD…

MelMar 30, 202323 min read
Minolta XD7 35mm SLR Camera
On the 1st September 1914, a small grey bird fell from its perch at Cincinatti Zoo…… The mid 1970s saw a rash of camera developments.  While these produced amazing technological marvels the headlong rush to ever more sophistication while keeping the price down meant compromises. The first casualty of any price war is almost always […]

Pentax MX – The sense of an…

MelMar 28, 202315 min read
Pentax MX 35mm SLR
Endings are strange things. It’s often hard to see where the ending of anything is until years after the event.  Rome wasn’t built in a day they say but it didn’t fall in a day either.  It’s only on reflection, after the passage of time, that you can put a pin in a calendar and […]

Minolta X-700 Capacitor Replacement

MelFeb 25, 202317 min read
Minolta X-700 Capacitor Replacement
A step by step guide to Minolta X-700 capacitor replacement in the popular 35mm SLR Camera. Copyright 2023 High5Cameras, Free to use, copy and distribute so long as no charge is made for use, distribution or access and authorship and web address is freely acknowledged. The Minolta X-700 is one of the most popular cameras […]